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14. David Gibson. “Secret ‘Catacombs Pact’ Emerges after 50 Years, and Pope Francis Gives It New Life.” Religion News Service, November 3, 2015. http://religionnews.com/2015/11/03/the-catacombs-pact-emerges-after-50-years-and-pope-francis-gives-it-new-life.
15. Ibid.
16. Cindy Wooden. “Back to the Catacombs: New Emphasis Placed on Bishops’ Simplicity Pact.” Catholic News Service, November 13, 2015. http://www.catholicnews.com/services/englishnews/2015/back-to-the-catacombs-new-emphasis-placed-on-bishops-simplicity-pact.cfm.
17. Roberto de Mattei. “The So-Called ‘Poor Church’: From Vatican II to Francis.” Rorate Caeli, June 15, 2015. http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2016/06/the-so-called-poor-church-from-vatican.html.
18. “Entrevistas Históricas: Orianna Fallaci Entrevista Dom Hélder Câmara.” Socialist Morena. http://www.socialistamorena.com.br/entrevistas-historicas-oriana-fallaci-entrevista-dom-helder-camara.
19. Gerard O’Connell. “Call Him a Saint?” America, April 27, 2015. http://www.americamagazine.org/issue/call-him-saint.
20. Michael Hichborn. “The Marxist Core of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development.” Lepanto Institute, November 18, 2015. http://www.lepantoinstitute.org/cchd/the-marxist-core-of-the-catholic-campaign-for-human-development.
21. Jim Yardley and William Neuman. “In Bolivia, Pope Francis Apologizes for Church’s ‘Grave Sins.’” New York Times, July 9, 2015. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/10/world/americas/pope-francis-bolivia-catholic-church-apology.html.
22. “Pope Francis: Speech at World Meeting of Popular Movements.” Vatican Radio, October 7, 2015. http://en.radiovaticana.va/news/2015/07/10/pope_francis_speech_at_world_meeting_of_popular_movements/1157291.
23. Jim Yardley and Paulina Villegas. “At Mass, Pope Francis Embraces ‘Misunderstood’ of Mexico.” New York Times, February 15, 2016.
24. “Church Magazine in Mexico City Questions Pope’s Rebuke of Bishops.” Catholic News Service, March 9, 2016. http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2016/03/09/church-magazine-in-mexico-city-questions-popes-rebuke-of-bishops.
25. Laurie Goodstein. “Ex-Archbishop Speaks about Catholic Church and Homosexuality.” New York Times, May 14, 2009. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/05/15/us/15weakland.html.
26. Simon Caldwell. “Pope Benedict Wanted to Be a Librarian.” Telegraph, August 5, 2010. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/the-pope/7928493/Pope-Benedict-wanted-to-be-a-librarian.html.
27. “Liberals Dying or Hiding?” National Catholic Reporter, February 18, 2010. https://www.ncronline.org/news/liberals-dying-or-hiding.
28. David Gibson. “Fox News Columnist Rips Pope Francis, Loses Catholic News Service Gig.” Religion News Service, December 4, 2013. http://religionnews.com/2013/12/06/fox-news-columnist-ripped-pope-francis-loses-catholic-news-service-gig.
29. Jim McDermott. “Catholic Theologians Condemn Ross Douthat’s Recent Piece on the Pope.” America, October 27, 2015. http://americamagazine.org/content/dispatches/catholic-theologians-condemn-ross-douthats-recent-piece-pope.
30. Ines San Martin. “Priest Who Does Vatican PR Says He Won’t Sue Conservative Blogger.” Crux, March 4, 2015. https://cruxnow.com/church/2015/03/04/priest-who-does-vatican-pr-says-he-wont-sue-conservative-blogger.
31. Allison Walter. “Fr. Charles Curran: Pope Francis’ Reforms Are ‘More Than Just Style.’” National Catholic Reporter, April 15, 2016. https://www.ncronline.org/news/people/fr-charles-curran-pope-francis-reforms-are-more-just-style.
32. Jeannine Gramick. “Where Are the Priests of Vatican II?” National Catholic Reporter, August 3, 2016. https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/ncr-today/where-are-priests-vatican-ii.
33. Gibson, “Secret ‘Catacombs Pact.’”
Chapter Four: The Liberal Jesuit from Latin America
1. Fr. Antonio Spadaro. “A Big Heart Open to God.” America, September 30, 2013. http://americamagazine.org/pope-interview.
2. Chencho Alas. “Liberation Theology and Pope Francis I.” Alas, February 14, 2015. http://discover-peace.org/blog/english-version/liberation-theology-and-pope-francis-i.
3. Ibid.
4. Philip Pullella. “Pope Expected to Rein in Liberal Jesuits.” UPI, February 23, 1982. http://www.upi.com/Archives/1982/02/23/Pope-expected-to-rein-in-liberal-Jesuits/4731383288400.
5. Mario Aguilar. Pope Francis: His Life and Thought (Cambridge: Lutterworth Press, 2014), 46.
6. Spadaro, “A Big Heart Open to God.”
7. Peter Hebblethwaite. “Don Pedro in History.” America, February 16, 1991. http://americamagazine.org/issue/100/don-pedro-history-2.
8. Jon Anderson. “How Francis Can Save the Jesuits.” Catholic Herald, November 12, 2015.
9. Austen Ivereigh. The Great Reformer (New York: Henry Holt, 2014), 119–120.
10. Ibid.
11. Spadaro, “A Big Heart Open to God.”
12. James Carroll. “Who Am I to Judge?” New Yorker, December 23, 2013. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2013/12/23/who-am-i-to-judge.
13. Spadaro, “A Big Heart Open to God.”
14. Jim O’Grady. “Pope Francis Wasn’t Always So Humble.” WNYC News, September 18, 2015. http://www.wnyc.org/story/pope-francis-wasnt-always-so-humble.
15. Paulo Prada and Helen Popper. “Behind the Charm, a Political Pope.” Reuters, March 27, 2013. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-pope-profile-specialreport-idUSBRE92Q09P20130327.
16. David Gibson. “Who Are the Jesuits?” Religion News Service, September 18, 2015. http://religionnews.com/2015/09/18/jesuits-understand-pope-francis-need-know-saint-ignatius.
17. “An Argentine Prosecutor Speaks about Jorge Mario Bergoglio.” From Rome, February 12, 2015. https://fromrome.wordpress.com/2015/02/12/an-argentine-prosecutor-speaks-about-bergoglio.
18. Wen Stephenson. “How Pope Francis Came to Embrace Not Just Climate Justice but Liberation Theology.” Nation, September 19, 2015. https://www.thenation.com/article/how-pope-francis-came-to-embrace-not-just-climate-justice-but-liberation-theology.
19. “New Marxist Phase of the Jesuits.” Tradition in Action, October 23, 2016. http://traditioninaction.org/RevolutionPhotos/A701-Sosa.htm.
20. “Killing in the Name of God Is an Aberration, but Insulting Religions Is Wrong.” La Stampa, January 15, 2015. http://www.lastampa.it/2015/01/15/vaticaninsider/eng/world-news/killing-in-the-name-of-god-is-an-aberration-but-insulting-religions-is-wrong-35zozqAwZvDy7u6bQXjhLP/pagina.html.
21. Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Rabbi Abraham Skorka. On Heaven and Earth (New York: Image, 2010), 93.
22. Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee of Mercy. http://www.iubilaeummisericordiae.va/content/gdm/en/giubileo/bolla.html.
23. Garry Wills. “Jesuits in Disarray.” New York Review of Books, March 28, 2002. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2002/03/28/jesuits-in-disarray.
24. Francis Rocca. “Pope Francis and the New Rome.” Wall Street Journal, April 3, 2015. http://www.wsj.com/articles/pope-francis-and-the-new-rome-1428075101.
25. “Jesuit University and High School Alumni in Congress.” Ignatian Solidarity Network. http://ignatiansolidarity.net/jesuit-university-high-school-alumni-congress.
26. Paul Shaughnessy. “Are the Jesuits Catholic?” Weekly Standard, June 3, 2002. http://www.weeklystandard.com/are-the-jesuits-catholic/article/2586.
27. John Allen. “Who Francis May Be Based on Who Bergoglio Was.” National Catholic Reporter, April 5, 2013. https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/all-things-catholic/who-francis-may-be-based-who-bergoglio-was.
28. Spadaro, “A Big Heart Open to God.”
29. Anian Christoph Wimmer. “Interview with Robert Spaemann on Amoris Laetitia.” Catholic News Agency, April 29, 2016. http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/full-text-interview-with-robert-spaemann-on-amoris-laetitia-10088.
30. John Vennari. “Situation Ethics Enshrined.” Catholic Family News, April 20, 2016. http://www.cfnews.org/page88/files/88cd932e0fb30da936d547131dbddacf-571.html.
31. “We Overcame Their Traditions, We Overc
ame Their Faith.” Latin Mass, January–February 1994, https://www.ewtn.com/library/priests/coulson.txt.
32. Carol Glatz. “Pope: Priests Lacking Mercy Shouldn’t Hear Confession; Get Desk Job.” Catholic News Service, September 10, 2015. http://www.catholicnews.com/services/englishnews/2015/pope-says-priests-lacking-mercy-should-have-desk-job.cfm.
33. Spadaro, “A Big Heart Open to God.”
34. Joshua McElwee. “Francis Asks Priests to Learn That Life Isn’t Black and White, but Shades of Grey.” National Catholic Reporter, August 25, 2016. https://www.ncronline.org/news/vatican/francis-asks-seminaries-teach-life-isnt-black-and-white-shades-grey.
35. Steve Skojec. “Forte: Pope Did Not Want to Speak ‘Plainly’ of Communion for Remarried.” 1P5, May 7, 2016. http://www.onepeterfive.com/pope-speaking-plainly-communion-divorced-messy.
36. Carly Holman. “No, Michael Moore, Hillary Will Never Be ‘America’s Pope Francis.” Conservative Review, October 28, 2016. https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/10/michael-moore-hillary-will-never-be-americas-pope-francis.
37. Damon Linker. “Pope Francis’ Machiavellian Strategy to Liberalize the Catholic Church.” Week, October 15, 2014. http://theweek.com/articles/443083/pope-francis-machiavellian-strategy-liberalize-catholic-church.
38. Elisabetta Piqué. Pope Francis: Life and Revolution. (Chicago: Loyola Press, 2014).
39. Sandro Magister. “‘Amoris Laetitia’ Has a Ghostwriter: His Name Is Victor Manuel Fernández.” Chiesa, May 25, 2016. http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1351303?eng=y.
40. Maike Hickson. “CDF Prefect Characterizes Statement Made by Papal Adviser as ‘Heretical.’” 1P5, June 8, 2016. http://www.onepeterfive.com/cdf-prefect-characterizes-statement-made-by-papal-adviser-as-heretical.
41. “Bergoglio’s Sister Reveals.” Novus Ordo Watch, March 19, 2013. http://www.novusordowatch.org/wire/bergoglio-nephew-swearwords.htm.
42. Sandro Magister. “Francis’ Patient Revolution.” Chiesa, October 24, 2014. http://chiesa.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/1350910?eng=y.
43. “For the Record: Boff Speaks on the New Pope.” Rorate Caeli, April 8, 2013. http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2013/04/for-record-boff-speaks-on-new-pope.html.
44. “Pope Francis and Clergy Sexual Abuse in Argentina.” BishopAccountability.org. http://www.bishop-accountability.org/Argentina.
45. John Allen. “New Hire Is Good News for Pope Francis on Anti-Abuse Effort.” Crux, April 1, 2016. https://cruxnow.com/church/2016/04/01/new-hire-is-good-news-for-pope-francis-on-anti-abuse-effort.
46. Marcelo González. “The Horror!” Rorate Caeli, http://rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/2013/03/the-horror-buenos-aires-journalist.html.
47. Michael Cromartie. “John L. Allen, Jr. and Paul Vallely at the March 2014 Faith Angle Forum.” EPPC, March 24, 2014. https://eppc.org/publications/john-l-allen-jr-paul-vallely-march-2014-faith-angle-forum.
Chapter Five: The Unholy Alliance
1. Dawn Hu. “GU Faculty among Highest Donors to Obama Campaign.” Hoya, November 21, 2008. http://www.thehoya.com/gu-faculty-among-highest-donors-to-obama-campaign.
2. Phyllis Schlafly and George Neumayr. No Higher Power: Obama’s War on Religious Freedom (Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, 2012), 79–80.
3. Kevin Dolak. “Voter Fraud Nun Resigns as Dean.” ABC News, March 12, 2013. http://abcnews.go.com/US/ohio-nun-accused-voter-fraud-resigns-job-college/story?id=18711636.
4. Michael Bastach. “Al Gore: ‘I Could Become Catholic’ because of Pope’s Global Warming Stance.” Daily Caller, May 5, 2015. http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/05/al-gore-i-could-become-a-catholic-because-of-popes-global-warming-stance.
5. Joshua McElwee. “Organizers, Union Leaders Seek to Influence Francis’ US Visit through Vatican Meetings.” National Catholic Reporter, June 9, 2015. https://www.ncronline.org/news/faith-parish/organizers-union-leaders-seek-influence-francis-us-visit-through-vatican-meetings.
6. Thomas Williams. “Pro-Abort Dems Tell Pope What to Say to U.S. Congress.” Breitbart, September 8, 2015. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/09/08/pro-abort-dems-tell-pope-what-to-say-to-u-s-congress.
7. John-Henry Westen. “Leaked E-Mails Show George Soros Paid $650K to Influence Bishops During Pope’s U.S. Visit.” LifeSiteNews, August 23, 2016. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-leaked-e-mails-show-george-soros-paid-to-influence-bishops-during.
8. Elizabeth Yore. “Behind the Bronze Doors: Soros Radicals Collude with Vatican.” Remnant, October 24, 2016. http://remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/2830-behind-the-bronze-doors-soros-radicals-collude-with-vatican.
9. Edmund Kozak. “WikiLeaks: Podesta and Left-Wing Activist Plot ‘Catholic Spring.’” LifeZette, October 12, 2016. http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/wikileaks-podesta-left-wing-activist-plot-catholic-spring.
10. Jonah Bennett. “Leaked E-Mails: Hillary Campaign Staffer Worried That ‘Amen’ Might Be Too Offensive.” Daily Caller, October 20, 2016. http://dailycaller.com/2016/10/20/leaked-emails-hillary-campaign-staffer-worried-that-amen-might-be-too-offensive.
11. Brent Budowsky. “Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Pope Francis.” Observer, July 16, 2015. http://observer.com/2015/07/bernie-sanders-hillary-clinton-and-pope-francis.
12. “Pope Discusses Literacy, Dignity with Widow of Paulo Freire.” Catholic News Herald, April 27, 2015. http://catholicnewsherald.com/features/vatican/195-news/roknewspager-vatican/7679-pope-discusses-literacy-dignity-with-widow-of-paulo-freire.
13. Ben Max. “In Pope Francis, De Blasio Finds Ultimate Validator.” Gotham Gazette, September 24, 2015. http://www.gothamgazette.com/index.php/government/5903-in-pope-francis-de-blasio-finds-ultimate-validator.
14. Thomas Williams. “Bernie Sanders Calls Pope Francis a ‘Socialist’ Like Himself.” Breitbart, February 24, 2016. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/02/24/bernie-sanders-calls-pope-francis-a-socialist-like-himself.
15. Jason Horowitz. “As Bernie Sanders Heads to Vatican, a Visit with Pope Francis Seems in Doubt.” New York Times, April 15, 2016. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/16/us/politics/bernie-sanders-vatican.html.
16. Jim Yardley. “Pope Francis Suggests Donald Trump Is ‘Not Christian.’” New York Times, February 18, 2016. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/19/world/americas/pope-francis-donald-trump-christian.html.
17. “A Revolution of Tenderness.” March 17, 2016. https://popefrancis16.com.
18. “Pelosi Statement on Pope Francis’ Address to Congress.” Office of Nancy Pelosi, September 24, 2015. https://pelosi.house.gov/news/press-releases/pelosi-statement-on-pope-francis-address-to-congress.
19. Hanna Trudo. “Biden: Pope Francis Wouldn’t Endorse Sanders’ Policies.” Politico, April 15, 2016. http://www.politico.com/story/2016/04/joe-biden-pope-bernie-sanders-222040.
20. Gardiner Harris. “Joe Biden Speaks about Faith and Curing Cancer at the Vatican.” New York Times, April 29, 2016. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/30/world/europe/joe-biden-speaks-about-faith-and-curing-cancer-at-the-vatican.html.
21. Claire Chretien. “Pro-Abortion VP Joe Biden Speaks at Vatican Event on Adult Stem Cells.” LifeSiteNews, April 29, 2016. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-abortion-vp-joe-biden-speaks-at-vatican-event-on-adult-stem-cells.
22. Monique Garcia and Ray Long. “Illinois Lawmakers Approve Gay Marriage in Historic Vote.” Chicago Tribune, November 6, 2013. http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2013-11-06/news/ct-met-gay-marriage-illinois-1106-20131106_1_illinois-senate-gay-marriage-gay-lawmakers.
23. Dan Riehl. “Nancy Pelosi Paints Marco Rubio as a Bad Catholic.” Breitbart, May 29, 2015. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/05/29/nancy-pelosi-paints-mark-rubio-as-a-bad-catholic.
24. Michael Lindenberger. “Kentucky’s Attorney General Explains Why He Won’t Defend Gay Marriage Ban.” Time, March 4, 2014. http://time.com/12568/kentucky-gay-marriage-jack-conway.
25. Christopher Hale. “What Tim Kaine, Donald Trump, and Pope Francis Have in Common.” Tim
e, July 23, 2016. http://time.com/4420430/tim-kaine-catholic-abortion.
26. Betsy Woodruff. “Tim Kaine’s Time With a Marxist Priest.” Daily Beast, October 3, 2016. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/03/tim-kaine-s-time-with-a-marxist-priest.html.
27. “San Jose Bishop Blasts Trump.” California Catholic, October 25, 2016. http://cal-catholic.com/?p=26133.
28. Daniel Politi. “It Sure Sounds like Pope Francis Doesn’t Think Americans Should Vote for Trump.” Slate, November 6, 2016. http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2016/11/06/pope_francis_speaks_up_against_walls_days_before_the_election.html.
29. Edward Pentin. “How the Vatican Views Trump’s Presidential Victory.” National Catholic Register, November 15, 2016. http://www.ncregister.com/daily-news/how-the-vatican-views-trumps-presidential-victory.
30. Emma Green. “Hillary Clinton Ties Herself to Francis on Climate Change.” Atlantic, September 25, 2015. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2015/09/hillary-clinton-fangirl-francis-climate-change/407362.
31. David Weigel. “The Pope Name-Dropped a Radical Catholic Activist, and Bernie Sanders Couldn’t Be Happier.” Washington Post, September 24, 2015. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2015/09/24/the-pope-name-dropped-a-radical-catholic-activist-and-bernie-sanders-couldnt-be-happier.
32. Peter Dreier. “Did Pope Francis Just Endorse Socialist Pacifist Dorothy Day for Sainthood?” Huffington Post, September 25, 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-dreier/did-pope-francis-endorse-pacifist-dorothy-day_b_8194354.html.
33. Daniel Burke. “Book on Monk Thomas Merton’s Love Affair Stirs Debate.” Religion News Service, December 22, 2009. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/religion/2009-12-23-Merton23_st_N.htm.
34. Rose Marie Berger. “Why the Pope’s Mention of Thomas Merton Was More Controversial Than You Think.” Religion News Service, October 3, 2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/thomas-merton-pope-francis_us_560af93be4b0af3706de5881.